Know Your Glow: Rose Hip Oil

Make sure you know what is in your sunless tan! It is our mission to provide you with high-quality skincare products that illuminate your natural beauty with a regenerative glow. Each month we will be featuring a natural ingredient in our products to highlight the benefits it provides. We all love HYDRATE for its powerful moisturizing effects without the greasy residue found in most lotions. The secret ingredient that you may not be aware of which gives HYDRATE much of its healing, restorative power, without adding that oily feel, is rose hip oil – now let’s talk about some more of the benefits this key ingredient has for your skin.
Restorative Glow
Rose hip oil is packed with healthy skin essentials like vitamins A and C, anti-inflammatory fatty acids and high concentrations of omegas 3 and 6, which help to repair and protect your skin from sun damage and fight the visible signs of aging. The vitamin A found in rose hip oil is necessary for normal cell growth and development which will work to protect your skin from further damage. At the same time, the regenerative qualities of this oil will keep your skin looking younger by maintaining elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and lightening age spots.
Tone and Hydrate
Toning your skin is key to maintaining your glow, make sure to use HYDRATE after washing your face every night to allow rose hip oil to do its work while you get your beauty rest, giving you brighter, beautiful skin when you wake up. Rose hip oil is rich in fatty acids which rehydrate your skin by helping your cells regenerate and keep your tissue healthy. Like we mentioned before, one of the things that sets the hydrating properties of rose hip oil apart from many of the other oils you may find in other body butters and moisturizing lotions is that this oil absorbs quickly without the greasy residue we all hate so much. Give HYDRATE a try and experience the difference that rose hip oil and our other natural ingredients can make for your skin! Check out our full line of products, along with a complete list of ingredients.