Mythbusters; chlorine + your goGLOW

Mythbusters; chlorine + a spray tan
Contrary to popular belief you CAN swim while you have a goGLOW!
What soaking in water will do;
Lighten your color faster, making your ‘tan’ not last as long.
Soaking your skin in water will loosen the skin cell layer which is holding your goGLOW tan, this speeds up the shedding process.
What it won’t do;
It will not make your color look striped or streaky.
It will not bleed in the pool and look like brown water while you swim.
FYI Chlorinated pools & spas;
The various chemicals in the chlorine will dehydrate your skin quickly. Public pools and hot tubs contain higher chlorine levels for public health reasons (higher than home pools) which can contribute to a faster tan fade.
How to keep your color lasting while swimming;
Stay hydrated. Use HYDRATE lotion before swimming and apply a spray-tan safe sunscreen like COOLA (sold at all goGLOW locations and online) to your skin before getting in the water.
Reapply. Use HYDRATE lotion post swimming wash up.
Apply EXTEND lotion and/or TOUCH UP spray nightly on vacation to add DHA to the skin. Use an applicator mitt with the EXTEND for a streak-free glow! Lightly mist the TOUCH UP spray on your face, neck, chest, hands and feet.
Live a little! You’re on vacation and life is short. Get in the pool.
More questions? Email us at, we would love to hear from you!
Photo; Model & #goGLOWgirl Johannah Kneen